Code Geass

Monday, September 29, 2008

This anime deserves a post on its own. Having just watched the last episode of Code Geass R2, which is most definitely the last episode of the entire series, I am declaring that it is the:


And I am not joking. I remember stating in a recent blogpost that it is the best anime, but now I am stating that it is the best, and will be the best forever, and ever. I cannot even imagine how anything will even come close.

Having watched about 34728379347 anime series (approximation), Code Geass stands alone, at the top by far, as the one which has left the deepest impact on me, and made me talk about it the most.

There's Bleach and Naruto which the whole world recognizes, and watches, but what special thing is there other than for "RAAAAAH CHIONG AHHH!! POWER UP!! BOOM! KILL ENEMY! RAHHHH YES I WIN!!" involved? Code Geass has got me thinking about the human intricacies, human weaknesses, human wishes, and the human behaviour which stops man from attaining these wishes. Geass, as a concept, is simply brilliant. Being able to symbolise so many things, it can be interpreted to be a power which is plain and simple, that is, the power to subjugate people's will. But reading between the lines, the definition of Geass is unlimited. Anything more I say will become a spoiler.

And so, I implore you, anime watcher or not, to watch Code Geass. Watch it not because I said it was good, but watch it because it is riveting. And earthshaking. And fabulous. And [insert positive adjective here] x100000.


ivan fed the world.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Payment for expedition is due this week, and in spite of Edusave and Internationalisation Fund helping the price to go less than $1000, which I think is bloody damn cheap for a trip to Nepal. It's a nice and happy endi... NO WAIT!


My father refuses to give me teh munnies. Why oh why? Has our family been reduced to a state where we are unable to afford teh munnies, which has already been drastically reduced from the initial payment of around $1800?

N-O. No.

He simply does not wish to pay. Why? Because he says the reason why the teacher wants to collect this early is so that she is making things easier for herself. Uh duh? Which idiot in this world doesn't want to make things easier for his/herself? However, even if my father is backed by the ABILITY to pay, coupled with unwillingness but no choice, he still does not want to pay. He gives plenty of reasons like being unsure whether the Edusave amount that we want to deduct has been confirmed blahblahblah. You debunk one, he comes up with another. (I think I need his kind of brains for a good GP essay, plenty of points. OH WAIT! ITS ALL BULLSHIT!)

What transpires is that he is making things difficult for the teacher, for me (who is in between, naturally things are difficult for me), and of course he has to stress with my constant reminders of the need to pay. Why stress yourself so much when payment is inevitable? Oh my god I have no idea how the brains of adults work. My father gets all his useless points shot down by me, then he walks off to my mother to rant. My mother gets all her even more useless points shot down by me (she's not exactly as smart as my father), and my father comes in with the "MY SAY IS FINAL" trump card, and I am pwned.

My mother probably said a good point. "We have difficulties that you won't understand..." Well that's the function of my brain and your mouth: You explain, I comprehend. Complicated much?

I feel okay if you are able to explain why you cannot (or rather, will not) pay, but if all the reasons that they come up with are utter nonsense, and all visibly seen as the "think up for the sake of thinking up" kind, how can you expect me to be convinced?

Damn the lack of reason.

P.S. Total rant post. Just needed somewhere to write down what I feel about this issue.

ivan fed the world.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

This is some beautiful shadow play. Watch it.

ivan fed the world.

T'is the season...

Monday, September 1, 2008

It's that time of the year again. And no, it is not a time of celebration, of joy and jubilation, of people jumping in the streets grinning in their euphoria.

It is the complete opposite. It is the time of doom and gloom, the time of frustration and hair-ripping, the time of depression and disappointment.

It is exam time.

To be more accurate, it is preparation for exam time, and it is a time when people literally bury their head in books (falling asleep... in my case), and force themselves to keep on reading and practicing even if they feel a sizzling sensation burning in the head. (I seriously do get such sensations... around a few times a year when I really do study, and I do not know whether it is normal or not. :/)

It is also a time of randomness, and laziness, and as such I shall post random thoughts in my head:

1) CODE GEASS PWNS. Anime fans who have not watched Code Geass, you are sinning against the Commandments of Animeā„¢ simply by not watching the best anime in the world. Utter and absolute pwnage. For the people who do watch Code Geass, not watching it on the same day as its release is also a sin.

2) I just realised I had alot of wrong concepts going on in my brain in the past. For example, I thought that if your urine was very dark yellowish, it was actually good because it meant that your body was actually working and clearing itself of any waste present in your body. Now, after learning that that isn't actually how your body works, I come to realise how foolish I was by not drinking water after having very dark-coloured urine.

3) I haven't started mugging. I don't know if now is a correct time to start, since the exams are still 3 weeks away, and I don't want to burn myself out by finishing stacks and stacks of notes in a short span of time at a go. The time to start should be soon, but not now... I think.

4) When you think of the number of lectures and tutorials remaining for each subject, you realise that that number isn't really alot. And you also realise that the number dwindles with the increasing number of people (girls, I might add) whom a certain Chemistry teacher (note: twocking) brings up on stage, wasting valuable time. While entertaining, it's not entertaining to see the number of pages remaining in your lecture notes, and the amount of time you have left. So much to go through, so little time.

5) It's weird that they don't really give you the tests straight after a holiday. I mean, they give you a holiday right smack in the middle of nowhere, and then they resume lessons, and then boom the exams come in. Anyone else thinks its a weird sequence other than me?

6) End of year expedition will be to Nepal, and will cost a grand sum of S$2000. With the aid of some funds, the price will go down to around S$1200, which is within my father's budget, not including additional equipment. However, his one condition is that I score well for Promos. Would that be possible? Hmmmm.

7) It is time to sleep.

ivan fed the world.


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